Descriptive Essay On The Morning Commut

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I travel by BART daily to and from school, getting on at the Colma station and exiting at the Embarcadero station in San Francisco. In the eight (or so) short weeks that I have been traveling via this route, I have easily memorized my routine. Typically, I get on the train at 8:15, right in the middle of the morning commute. From entering the turnstiles at Colma to climbing the escalator out onto the street at the Embarcadero stop, I am inundated by a barrage of stimuli. My olfactory, audial, and visual senses are constantly in use - processing all of the different stimulants. Although almost all of my senses are being utilized, for the purposes of this essay I will focus solely on the systems of vision and memory and how they relate to my morning commute via BART. I begin my trip by parking my car at the Colma parking garage and walking into the station. As I proceed through the parking garage to the station, I scan for cars. Merging into the flow of bodies, I continue on my way to the turnstiles. In an attempt to calm my jittery nerves I have made it a point to mentally run through each of the BART stops from my location to my destination (No matter how many times I make this trip I still worry about all of the “what-ifs”; what if I miss my stop? What if the train isn’t on time? Etc.). Out of the …show more content…

Due to the primacy effect and the recency effect, the three middle stops were the most difficult to recall. With the primacy effect, people tend to remember the first items well. While with its counterpart - the recency effect, the last items of a list tend to be remembered well. I had used a method called chunking - which breaks a list of items into specific groups/categories, thereby making them easier to memorize - to help me commit to memory the BART stops on my route. I broke the nine stops up into groups of three. With

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