Descriptive Essay On Hedone

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The literal meaning of Blasé is “unimpressed with, or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before”. It can also be interpreted as being bored from over indulgence. In the last couple of years i have been exploring my own and other people’s constant need in stimulation and inspiration for their daily life. Personally, my biggest fear could be described as a horror scenario in which someone would one day tell me: starting now, every day of your life, will look the same. Stable routine repeating itself again and again, without surprises, no changes, xxx. Additionally, i’m also interested in the delicate tension exiting between being constantly stimulated versus being worn out, bored or over stimulated. Becoming Blasé is a condition commonly found in highly urbanized environments. Consequently, I reached out to people, to discover whether they feel Blasé and what is their preferences in gaining pleasure, seeking inspiration and exploring their inner voice and individual mindfulness. The target audience I ask to attract can be described as urban, highly cultural, either free lance creatives or whom working in more structured organizations, achievers, which are curious and open minded. They maintain a productive working routine, however take brake periodically to travel, party, …show more content…

It refers to theory of xxx which things are good for us and what motivates us to behave in a certain way. In hedonism, gaining pleasure and avoiding pain are the only important things in living the good life. However, what is pleasure and pain is described quite broadly. That specific insight can relate to the theory of folk hedonism, a philosophical term which bears the common stereotype of a person who is concerned with only indulging in sex, drugs and rocknrol, while lacking foresight and sometimes might lead to problems, conflicts and

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