Describe These Structures And Their Function In The Pancreas

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There is the serosa, which is the outermost layer and it keeps the surfaces moist. The there is the muscle layer, which contains the circular muscular layer and the longitudinal muscle layer. These muscles contract and relax to move the chyme throughout the intestinal tract. Then comes the submucosa which has the blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves. Finally, the inner layer is the mucosa which is a layer of epithelial cells on a base of connective tissue and smooth muscle. It has villi and fold that are called plicae and circulares.

2. Describe the common tissues and structures found in accessory organs. (4 points)

Common tissues and structures found in accessory organs are ducts that secrete created digestive enzymes, like the pancreatic duct, collecting ducts from salivary glands, and the gallbladder that receives bile through the cystic duct. Accessory organs also have cells that produce either enzymes of hormones. Pancreatic acinar cells creates digestive enzymes whilst Islets of Langerhans secrete insulin and glucagon. Parotid and submandibular glands produce digestive enzymes and sublingual glands secrete a mucous saliva. Finally, hepatocytes produce digestive bile.

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Describe these structures and their function in the pancreas: (6 points)

- Acinar cells that secrete enzymes or bicarbonate

- These cells are found in the pancreas and the secrete digestive enzymes or bicarbonate into ducts that feed into the main pancreatic duct.
- Islet cells that secrete insulin or glucagon - These cells are endocrine cells that secrete the hormones insulin and glucagon directly into the capillary network that is also connected with the pancreatic duct. Insulin and glucagon affect blood sugar levels.

- Blood

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