Describe The Structure Of The Great Gatsby

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When completing the activities for the great Gatsby I learned many things. The activities made me learn more in depth about the novel, the activities helped me learn more about the novel that took more critical thinking. I learned the structure to the story, the hidden meanings, and it made me reflect on the whole story as a whole that I read. The structure of the Great Gatsby is very simple. The the Great Gatsby is a very easy novel to understand. The writer does a good job in explaining all the characters and that makes the whole story easy to understand. Even though there is a lot of conflicts going on, the story is well written out that you are able to grasp everything that's going on. The first 3 chapters of the story develop the characters. The activities for 1-3 made me see the and understand why and how the story was easy to understand. The Great Gatsby uses many ways to set up themes. For example when Gatsby was about to see Daisy again for the first time it was raining, symbolizing he was nervous. When Gatsby and Daisy …show more content…

The whole novel revolves around money. If you have money you can do what you want. At that time period you were either poor or rich. Gatsby needed money in order to be with Daisy in a way. No money no love, both themes tie in with each other in a way. Gatsby was poor after he went to war and Daisy's parents did not approve of Gatsby because he was poor. When Gatsby came back he was a new man and became wealthy. He wanted to marry Daisy but Daisy was with Tom. There is also love between Jordan and Nick to independent people. There is a lot of broken marriages with Tom and Daisy, Myrtle and George, and Gatsby wants to marry Daisy. The final activities made me reflect on what i read as a whole, it made me see the 2 main themes and the reasons behind why characters did what they did. Activities for chapters 6-9 help me visually learn the themes by making a graphic

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