Depression In Cinderella Man

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Many events occurred in the movie “Cinderella Man”. The main character in this movie was James J. Braddock. Some other people that were in the movie were the Braddock family and Joe Gould, Max Baer and Father Roddick. The story takes place in New Jersey. It was about his family and other people's lives when the depression started. It showed how people were losing money and had a very hard time, some even had to sell all of their items just to keep food on their table. The main focus of the movie was about the people who had such a hard time trying to get their lives back in order. It started off with James Braddock having a nice life. He had a big house, a wife, three children, and was a famous boxer. He was known then mainly because he was never knocked out. Then the depression time period started and his life was turned upside down. James almost lost everything he had. He lost his job and had to try and get work at the docks. He was not always chosen so some days he would even go without pay. Slowly James Braddock was losing his health. They barely had enough for food and the little they had they would give to their children. During one of his boxing fights he broke his hand, this caused him to not to do so gooood in the mach. So his boss fired him and gave him no money for that game. Now it was even harder for him to make money for his family to survive. …show more content…

Some other people even left their homes and found their children new places to live. Many people were being sent to live in Hoovervilles. Hoovervilles was a place where people who needed shelter and food could stay. Even these vills were in trouble. Like Braddock's friend went to one to stay and was killed there. Eventually even Braddock had to send his kids away when he could not pay for electricity anymore. Luckily, he was able to collect enough money to get the electricity on and his children back right

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