Dehumanization Of Women In The Media Analysis

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“All around us are commercial images of the beauty idea. What are three main media messages that women get about beauty, health, and their bodies?” I feel as though this has and will always be a complex issue when it comes to how women are portrayed in media. The biggest challenges for women that commercial images bring via media, in my opinion, are the following:
1. Women’s lifestyles.
2. Reinforcement of primitive patriarchal beliefs. What does advertising today tell us about women? It tells us that what is most important about women is how they look.
3. Women are being dehumanized by these commercial images.
These problems usually remain unrecognized across the world because we are constantly normalizing this oppression of women from …show more content…

I was watching a YouTube video called “YOU LOOK DISGUSTING.” There, a woman posted pictures of her face without makeup. She received over 100,000 comments, of which, almost all were negative comments like, “I can’t even look at her”, “Ugly as F*ck”, “Revolting”, and “Disgusting.” The reason why she created this short film was to show how social media can set unrealistic expectations on both women and men. Hundreds of thousands of people suffer from acne and the way these commercial images portray women with clear, luscious skin from makeup is part of the reason why people have looked down upon women who don’t “take-care of themselves” as such. Society is only accepting of the females with “nice” clear skin and this creates a huge problem that EVERYONE faces. No matter if you’re a male or female, at one point in your life, I am sure you have had acne. People have major problems with acne and this is only one example of how a woman must cope with her problem. There have been numerous experimental studies that have linked exposure to western, thin ideal in mass media to body dissatisfaction, internalization of the skinny and thin ideal, and eating disorders among women, according to the national eating disorders …show more content…

We see an abundance of women in Japan, Lebanon, and India for example, trying to achieve perfection, which in their eyes is white, blondified, small-nosed, pert-breasted, and a long-legged body. “We’re losing bodies, as fast as we are losing languages.” It took me some time to understand what that statement meant, but now I think I fully comprehend. It is saying that there is no more diversity, even among other countries and nations. Women are slowly “evolving” and gravitating towards the man-made Westernized ideal of beauty, which is being advertised on a global scale. English has become the predominant language now, and more and more nations might run into problems where their own culture, doesn’t even speak or comprehend their native language. I would like to conclude this issue with a quote from the first article I mentioned from CNN. “The word beauty is such a controversial word," says Hardison. "I think that the more that there's exposure (of different kinds of looks), and as long as you expose them consistently, you give people a chance to see what could also be beautiful besides what came before."” Something inside me resonated, when I heard this. Beauty is in the hands of the people with power. As long as there are powerful, wealthy men behind the beauty and fashion industry, there will

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