Dehumanization Of Soldiers In The Military

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After World War II, the military discovered that firing rates were extremely low, and officials were actively trying to seek ways to increase firing among riflemen (Grossman & DeGaetano, 1999). The true problem was that soldiers found it difficult to shoot down, and kill another human being. While they mechanically knew how to aim and shoot, taking another human life took its toll. The military then began using human-like simulations, to help dehumanize the enemy, and make it easier to shoot and kill. Video games are utilized to simulate enemies in deadly combat situations, and trains soldiers how to kill (Grossman & DeGaetano, 1999). This in turn, dehumanizes and desensitizes soldiers, so they are more likely to fight. The military used violent …show more content…

Your palms start to sweat, and your heart begins to race. This is because playing violent video games actually elicits a physiological and intellectual response to violence. These responses are then sent out from our brains to the rest of our body. A study conducted with 257 college students, found that violent video game play resulted in a lower arousal of heart rate and skin response when viewing actual videos of physical assault (Brockmyer, 2015). Gamers actually become physically desensitized to violence as well. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), it was discovered that while performing violent acts in video games, the area of the brain responsible for emotion actually displayed reduced neural activity (Brockmyer, 2015). This discovery means that our brains aren’t utilizing emotion while playing violent video games, and thus increases our aggression and decreases our emotions. In a study conducted by Montag and colleagues, a variety of images were shown to individuals that ranged from pleasant, neutral, unpleasant and first person shooter games (Brockmyer, 2015). During an fMRI scan, it was discovered that individuals who played violent video games had a much higher activation of the frontal cortex, which is responsible for behavior control (Borckmyer, 2015). This suggests that gamers developed familiarization to violent stimuli because of frequent exposure, and this in turn resulted …show more content…

Michael Carneal, Wesley Schafer, Mitchell Johnson, Andrew Golden, Dylan Klebold, and Eric Harris were all responsible for murdering countless people and also guilty of playing violent video games (Grossman & DeGaetano, 1999). Wesley Schafer was a South Carolina resident who loved playing point-and-shoot video games at the arcade, and one evening he and his friend decided to rob a convenient at gunpoint (Grossman & DeGaetano, 1999). They entered the store and Schafer pointed a .38 caliber pistol at the clerk, and delivered a single lethal shot between the eyes. When police asked him why he did it, Schafer responded with “I don’t know; it was a mistake; it wasn’t supposed to happen” (Grossman & DeGaetano, 1999). This is a key incident showing the reflexive nature violent video games have on people. Schafer never planned to kill the clerk, but because he was so desensitized to the action he pulled the

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