Dehumanization In Elizer Wiesel's Night

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In the book Night by Elie Eiesel, were the Jews dehumanized, down graded or treated cruelly? Yes, yes they were for numerous amounts of times. Night takes place in the time period of World War 2 or in what some people call, living hell or darkness. Wiesel himself a noble peace prize winner experienced what it is to be in a concentration camp. As well he decided to take a stand and be heard, for this tragedy to never happen again in a lifetime. The book itself is to honor all those who survived and their children.

Elizer Wiesel and the Jews were dehumanized multiple times. One being; Do you have a name?,well the Jews were once born with a name. Although in the concentration camps those names vanished. Elie Had his name confiscated, "I became A-7713. From then on, I had no other name."(42). The Nazis were so cruel that they used this to there advantage, by making the Jews feel deprived of human qualities, or like they were objects, instead …show more content…

The definition is of/or characteristic of people as opposed to God or animals or machines, especially in being susceptible to weakness. Does anywhere in this definition does it say characteristic of animals? No of course not, but the Nazis and Germans could've cared less about this definition unless if it was referred to themselves. Yet, they had the curtsy to demand the Jews to go"Faster you filthy dogs!"(85). When they were marching outside with an icy wind blowing violently. Also a human is bounded to get weak at on point of their lives. So when Idek suddenly explodes on Wiesel father for not working he beats him. "'You old loafer!" he started yelling. 'Is this what you call working?' And he began beating him with an iron bar."(54). Not only do humans have the justification to not being yelled at but also to being not beat up, just because a person loses their restrain on themselves. Therefore the Nazis and Germans were insensitive by taking the justification of human characteristics

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