Definition Of Spirituality

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What Does Spirituality Mean to You?
Not one person in this world is identical to another. Everyone has their own ideas of what things mean and how they define something. One word in particular is spirituality. Spirituality is such a broad concept, so to each individual it may mean something completely different. There is no right or wrong when it comes to one’s personal thoughts on the definition of a word. Spirituality can be related to many different things such as religion, happiness, spirits, and your true self. Some people may associate spirituality with religion, while others see spirituality as their own individual path for life. For those who associate spirituality with religion, they tend to believe in a higher power. Some examples would be “Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, or Judaism.” (ReachOut Australia, 2017). For others, spirituality may be expressed in non-religious ways. This includes “Humanism, Environmentalism, and Social Action.” (ReachOut Australia, 2017). Spirituality can simply be finding inner happiness by preforming meditation or yoga as well. Spirituality is based upon an inner path of oneself, not on the physical or material things in life. Spirituality relates to your inner soul and spirit. It gives you guidance on right and wrong in …show more content…

The reason I relate spirituality to religion is because I was brought up to believe in God. I attended catholic school from the age of 5 until I was 14. Religion has always played a big role in my life and still to this day does. I believe that you must have a reason to wake up every day, something to look forward to after death. Your soul will live on and does not just die with your physical being. Spirituality means honing into your inner self and being truly happy. We all have the right to our own beliefs and defining things in the way we see fit to our

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