Definition Essay On Being Mexican-American

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My identity is different from many of yours or you can connect from it. Being Mexican-American is hard like Abraham Quintanilla said, “ We gotta prove to Mexicans how Mexican we are, and we gotta prove to Americans how American we are…”. Always trying to prove to others that we are Mexican and American is hard. People will always judge you no matter what you go as. This is why I am writing this essay because I want others to stop judging how I talk, my personality, and what my identity truly is. Curly hair, brown eyes, brown skin, tall but not too tall, is who I am. A latina with different backgrounds, the meaning of my name, and what my family represents me. The most important part is my identity because is what I want to be viewed as. So my name has a very short story to it. I was named after …show more content…

When it comes to have a relationship between all of us, we all stick up for one another, if someone falls we all fall with that person, if someone celebrates something we are all celebrating the same thing. We all grew up to be their for one another even through thick and thin, but for me I don’t genuinely follow this. I don’t really have a strong connection with my family members because they think way differently than I do. I am very opened minded when it comes to new ideas or new things coming my way. They are close minded, reserved for what they say, they honestly don’t care about hurting other people's feelings. They can be really nice to others, but I tend to distant myself when comes to getting advice. They seem to always bring so much negativity and unnecessary advice when i need it the most. Instead of helping me they seem to judge and hurt me with their opinions on why I am so different from them. This is why I am the opposite of them. I love getting in new ideas, adventuring, hearing other people's opinions, but I can also be unemotional when it comes to hard

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