Definition Essay: Happiness Is Not The Key To Success

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Pavleen Dhami
Mrs. Nickerson
Pre-AP English II-3
21 March 2018
What is success?

Everyone defines success in a different way. Some may say that being successful means making a lot of money, or being famous. I think that success is finding internal happiness at what you do. People who are successful at something, say they do it because they enjoy it. One has to find happiness in order to be successful because happiness affects motivation and determination to get better. For example, people who have a healthy income, or are upper-class in society are usually the happiest. A positive attitude affects how one works towards success. A German theologian and physician named Albert Schweitzer once said, "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful”. Although I completely agree with this quote, it depends on the person's mentality. For me, the most important thing is my mental health and happiness because it’s pointless if one is wasting time doing something they don’t enjoy. It’s better to be satisfied with one’s accomplishments. …show more content…

The goals are what keep one motivated and determined to succeed. When someone achieves a goal very important to them, they are usually greeted with rush of positive emotions. Those positive emotions that come with achievements make one want to thrive for more. Achieving goals is also how some may define success because it brings them happiness. Les Brown an American motivational speaker and author once said, “Review your goals twice everyday in order to be focused on achieving them”. For some, goals really help with becoming successful because they are what keep them determined and focused. Reaching those goals are what bring happiness to someone because goals are very personal and meaningful to

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