Definition Essay Friendship

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Friendship is an important thing in a human's life. Friendship is a bond you have with someone. A strong one at that. Having friends can help you not emotionally, but also physically. You’re never alone and always have company. Plus, having that person who can change your mood just by telling you a funny joke or something funny that’s happened to them can cause your whole attitude to change. Having a close friend to me is so important. It’s nice being able to call someone to hang out like to get food at your favorite restaurant or calling someone to have to just drive around town because you have nothing else to do. But, there’s more things than just having a “friend”. People think that a friend fits all definition of a bond, but there’s plenty of more ways to describe it. For example, you have the friends who are nothing more but a friend. These are the types of people you see at school, work or at church. Even other things at any social events. These are the friends you typically only talk to at these events and never anymore. Only time you communicate with them outside of the event, is pretty much only about the event like a homework question or a shift change at work. These people, of course are good company to have around …show more content…

A bestfriend is the ultimate friend of all friends. I tell my bestfriend everything and anything, always hanging with them 24/7, and helping eachother out. I can come to this person without a doubt, no hesitation. No one is more special to me than having a true friend around who doesn’t judge me for what i do or even get annoyed with me telling them the same stories but still act interested in them as if they were hearing it for the first time. We sacrifice things for each other and we just know about each other as if we were eachother. No one gets me like they do and for that, that’s why friendship is important because you always need someone to pick you up when you’re down and make your life worth

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