Definition Essay Beauty

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Beauty’s Most Beautiful Definition Society alters the human mind by defining things inaccurately, in a way that is inspired by the common perspective of definitions. It is all about the influences of society that change the meanings of every single word. This then changes the way people interpret their feelings, and it also means that every single sentence anyone has ever said is valid to be questioned because everyone has their own meaning of each word that they exert out of their minds. One of the most common things in society that is pondered about is the real definition of “beauty”. There are billions of alternative definitions for this word, and that is what makes it so special; every single person on this planet has a distinct meaning …show more content…

Accepting the fact that people including you are nowhere near perfection is important. Embracing your imperfections is what makes beauty, such a beauty. How can insecurities ever result in beauty? How can someone ever believe that self-hate is beauty? Essentially, according to the dictionary, beauty regards physical appearance (“Beauty”). If that is so, then embracing your appearance, despite imperfections, must be extreme beauty. Today in our society, the media is constantly telling young adults specifically how they should look in order to obtain beauty, they set guidelines to achieve perfection, like plumping lips, having high cheek bones, and having arched eyebrows. They set an image, which sadly leads teenagers into becoming severely infatuated with looking perfect. Well, if imperfection is beauty, where does the beauty even come from? I believe “perfection is like a set of rules that is set by society; if everyone were to attain perfection, they would be identical. It is the imperfections that give uniqueness to each individual. Everything from a crooked smile or a speech impediment to being overemotional or having a quick temper, these are the things that make people different, they’re what make them beautiful” (Greenly). Embracing that acne, embracing that thick body, embracing that uniqueness of your appearance is

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