Self-Confidence And Identity In The Birthmark By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Being beautiful, being perfect, is what most of society cares about in this day and age. For example, people value getting rid of any to all imperfections, like having a bit of baby fat, or getting rid of scars. People are put down by the comments of strangers, and more so the comments made from people of their inner circle. People feel ugly and hate themselves for things that they have no control over. Some do radical things to get rid of these imperfections by getting surgery or taking pills. Even though not all people judge minor blemishes the view of one’s self is the most important view a person could have, and if that identity is under attack it could ruin a person 's self confidence. The story “The Birthmark” by Nathaniel Hawthorne also has aspects of self-confidence and identity that are relevant to the current times.

Many people today feel like their faces are hideous, and the same can be said for Georgina from “The Birthmark”. Almost any- physical attribute can be considered ugly to oneself, and to others, depending on what the others …show more content…

Almost always people are encouraged to change themselves to meet the standards of the media and advertising. There are the few that see nothing wrong with a person for how they look naturally; however, those few usually do not have as much impact as the ones who cause said insecurities. There is so much about the human condition in “The Birthmark” which are still relevant for modern society, even though this story was written 150-200 years ago. One could say that it is sad that things like this are still a problem; maybe even more of a problem than they were before, with people being obsessed with perfection. There is a solace though; the number of those who see nothing wrong with physical diversity is growing. Maybe someday the story "The Birthmark" will no longer be

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