Jacques Derrida's Theory Of Deconstruction In Architecture

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The architectural theory ‘'Deconstructivism’ has been suggesting new approach to architecture. Contemporary architecture has the most pluralistic condition in history which essentially treats such a theory. The Design of Deconstruction in architecture has become difficult to define because of its free and various ways of thinking. Even though there are many negative viewpoints on Deconstructivism in architecture nowadays, not only the fact that it has the same way of thinking with the new movements in contemporary culture, philosophy and arts, but also its potential provides the value as an architectural study material. By looking into Jacques Derrida’s theory of Deconstruction and analysis on the design that is based on the ‘Deconstructive …show more content…

The main concepts of his theory of Deconstruction was possible to educe the important vocabularies as deconstruction, ecriture, trace, différance, dissemination, supplement, intertextuality. This main concepts have not a individual relation but a mutual relation each other. Whereas the theoretical background in aspect of architecture has formulated after the two incidents at 1988-the symposium under the theme of ‘Deconstruction in Architecture’ at Tate Gallery in London and the exhibition of ‘Deconstructivist Architecture’ at the Museum of Modem Art in New York. By organizing the Jacques Derrida's theory of Deconstruction, which was abstracted through analyzing architects' theories and their works, into concept of design, design method and formal expression, and by presenting the relevancy of each terms through the ‘Deconstructive thinking’. Therefore, Deconstruction in architecture has been only the various interpretation. The main design characteristics of Deconstructivism in architecture were organized into categories by investigating the results of the theoretical background and the design analysis at the same time, and they are as follows ; concept of time and space, relative time and space-concept and différance, différance characteristics, uncertainty, multiview, dynamic visual. Significance of Deconstructivism in architecture lies in ability to open and free various architectural movement overcoming architecture of rules and

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