Decline Of The Music Industry

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To produce music has become easier than in the ealier years when it used to cost a lot of money to have a session in the recording studio to record music. Because of progression in computer technology many people are now able to produce music using software known as virtual instrument VST plug-in. Many musicians and singers used to record live in the studio many people used to listen to vinyl records in their radios then came cassettes then compact disk (CD's), since the introduction of virtual Instrument (VST)softwares many people no longer need a band for live recordings and also producing ,reproducing and distributing music is becoming cheaper, making it possible for small and independent record companies to enter the market while most of the young people are longer having interested in joining record labels.

Music is now downloaded online for less, sometimes for free especially in YouTube media of which is more preferred by most of the people than buying CD's through music shops and retailers. Piracy and illegal downloading has hit the music industry very hard and the distribution is no longer controlled which is also something which makes the music shops and record shops to go out of business for instance many music retailers like have closed down due to …show more content…

Costs in manufacturing and distributing CD's and tapes is expensive that is why people are now sharing the streaming music online the only thing which protects artist is a copyright and to have copyright is the safest thing for

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