Finding Inspiration: A Journey Through Literary Sponsorship

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What is inspiration? Inspiration is being stimulated to think of something or do something. Usually what inspires people to something is,other people, institutions, and circumstances. These are factors that makes us want to do something or change for the better or worse. In the words of Deborah Brandt she names these factors “Sponsors”. These Sponsors as she describes in her concept of Literary sponsorship help people see their true potential as readers and writers. Growing up I did not really like English. It was difficult concept but a particular teacher sparked a fire within me that brought out my true potential for reading and writing, Mr. Free. Mr. Free was not no typical English teacher. He had a very special way of teaching, that then lead for a big target to be on his back. He was fresh from the south and pose traditions that were not typical in San Francisco. His most favorite thing he liked to …show more content…

Free. He was definitely one of those teachers that pushed me way close to my limit. After a couple of months of having him as a teacher, I decided to confront him. I came into his classroom and asked why he was so hard and difficult with us. I noticed that he would pick on certain students a lot and I was one of them. He looked at me straight in the face and said that I had potential. I was dazed and confused to what he meant. He then explained to me that a lot of the students here are not trying at all and what is the point of helping those students that do not care where there lives go. He said that I was trying but not to the best of my ability. I exclaimed to him that I was trying my best. He then replied with saying I was trying my best but he knew I can do better. He knew that I cared about my education and knew the drive that I had. He finally remarks with don’t you know what you have learned. That caused me to think of everything overall and I realized that I was acting like a fool. I know knew what his true intentions

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