Death Before Dishonor

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Honor is a pride in your presentation and cohesion of self. Honor is the esoteric counterpart to respect and the inverse of disgrace. Honor is exercising the ability to set a principle within and with integrity, never stray from it. Is honor a moral issue? Certainly not. Is honor an ethical issue? No. Honor is given rise to from within; it is an expectation held of the self. Morals and ethics are dictated by our culture, family, or society. Honor is holding personal accountability. Two men can have different values in life and both still be honorable. Someone who is seen as honorable can be depended upon for a specific result. Honor is not concerned with heroism, sycophancy, popularity, or victimization. Honor is embracing those principles and people, that you hold in the highest regard; never wavering from them. This is because they share parallel ideas of honor, and what it means to be honorable.

It is in this way, that honor never betrays its own kind. Living an honorable life, begins by recognizing, that one cannot rely on the charities and efforts of others; without a thread...

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