Dead Week Journal

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P1: “Ugh!! I’m so exhausted!!”
P2: “What time did you go to bed?”
P1: “ What are you talking about!! I never went to bed!”

The following comments are based on actual conversations from students! These comments act as a basis for what describes “dead week.” According to Urban dictionary, “ At any major college or university, the week before finals are administered and most major projects and assignments are due for submission. The late night working and hardcore studying for Finals gives the students a zombie like atmosphere, and causes an eerie silence and many blank, unseeing expressions.”

In other words students are dealing with two weeks of upside down roller coasters before summer begins.

We are all exhausted. Stressed out. We are all in the midst of craziness, stress, and busyness. Many of us have been getting up super early and going to bed very late. …show more content…

I can honestly say that I have not had a melt down yet. Yes, I’m aware that I’m in the midst of dead week and I should feel panic, but strangely enough while I do feel slight panic I mostly have an overwhelming peace following through the midst of my soul.

Spending time with the Lord and listening to these specific songs called “Carry on my wayward son” and “Better days” have also helped me get through dead week. As I’m feeling at ease I decided that I wanted to write a letter to all dead week students who I’m sure are going through an array of emotions and thought I should provide some encouragement.

Dear stressed and exhausted students, I know how you’re probably feeling. You are probably thinking why am I here? Why am I running so much? What’s the point of this? I just want to give up. Grades don’t matter

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