Dead Poets Society

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For my analysis paper on the Dead Poet Society, I have decided on the ´life lesson´ category. In class we watched the movie, Dead Poet Society were Robin Williams plays the teacher, Mr. Keating. He tries to teach his students about concepts that they had never been taught about before in the academy. He teaches a bunch of life lessons to his students and the other teachers weren't always supportive and understanding. They actually fired him. Mr. Keating loved teaching. It was his favorite thing in the whole wide world and he was just a really good guy that supported and helped the boys a lot. He inspired them and taught them to follow their dreams.

One of the life lessons Mr. Keating taught was about seeing life in a different perspective. …show more content…

Not everyone thinks alike. Especially in english and poetry, everyone has different perspectives and you read from people’s views and thoughts and see and understand others perspectives on life, love, relationships, fights, friends, situations, and family.

Another lesson Mr.Keating was trying to get across to the boys was to seize the day, and that life is extraordinary. He wants them to follow their dreams and to be happy. At the end of the day, it's the action that will allow you to follow and move towards the dream. The time that you waste today will be gone forever. Sitting and talking about your dreams is way different than actually going after them and following them.

Another lesson he tries to teach is to follow and believe in your own beliefs. He says, “We all have a great need for acceptance, but you must trust that your beliefs are unique, your own.” By this statement, he means to be who you really are, even if you are judged and people try to tear you down about it. Don’t just go with the flow, stand up for what you want and what you think is right. Also stand up for what you believe in. Everyone now a days just try to fit in and will do whatever people tell them to do because they want to be accepted. But when people stand up for what they believe in, someone always tries to tear them down. It takes a lot of courage to be who you really are and stand up for yourself and not let others push you

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