Dbq On Conformity

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Mass public schooling has acquired the role of conformity to aid students in becoming good citizens. Straying away from a crucial aspect of schooling; individuality. A glaring issue within the system has now become finding a balance between the two, but doing so in a manner that will allow students to pursue their own interests. Even though public education encourages organization and conformity due to its promotion of discipline, this rigid schooling technique hinders any attempts students make to think for themselves. A common problem in schooling today is it’s loss of diversity and trivial support for individuality. With mandatory daily schedules to follow and overwhelming expectations that they are required to meet, schools are holding …show more content…

In other words, they’re strong believers in guidelines (Source G) and find attendance mandatory (Source E). Yet, they’re ignorant as they fail to acknowledge that because of these “mandatory”expectations and routine-like structures being so excessively enforced onto students they’re losing their own sense of dignity (Source E). Although, motivating students to respectfully and politely engage into schooling education is ideal, it should be done with the importance of freedom in mind. Laws were implemented in order to defend the rights of the common person, so why is it that it no longer feels that way? It all comes down to the fact that laws today help nobody (Source E), especially not the students as it’s forcing them to stay in school and encounter such an inhumane system on a daily basis. Advocates for society guidelines aren’t realizing that those sames laws are going against what once was it’s useful purpose of building morale, leaving them as hypocrites. There’s no actual benefit coming out of all these restrictions on students, instead of becoming educated members of the community they’re only growing a disdain for learning. I will admit that all the blame cannot be placed on the schools themselves, but a share of the blame can go to laws that once protected the students, which now have been deemed as insufficient. It’s far more expensive and time-consuming to force students to return to a schooling system where they won’t obtain a proper education when the system itself can be altered in everyone’s favor. In essence, those who firmly support these expectations contradict their standpoint as to why conformity should remain in schooling because they aren’t serving their purpose of creating a “civilized community life” (Source

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