Day Of Infamy Research Paper

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Japanese banners soaring overhead, as bombs scream their warnings of death as they slam the ground. “BOOM!” Smoke fills Tomi’s nostrils as he runs for shelter- and his life. These moments of extreme panic opened a door to new threats on Tomi’s life and altered the perspective of his life entirely. With the right help, Tomi can fight through these new hardships, but life after this day will, undoubtedly, be tough. After the Day of Infamy, Tomi loses his family and irreplaceable treasures, encounters racial discriminations and bullying, and struggles to find a way to return to the luxury of the before time. First of all, due to the Day of Infamy, Tomi loses many essential parts of his life from the before time. During the attack on Pearl Harbor, Papa and Sanji were out fishing, and on their return from a long day at work, a U.S. P-40 Tomahawk swooped down and sprayed ammunition on the Taiyo Maru, neutralizing Sanji as the threat they assumed him to be. Not only killing Sanji, the plane also shot a bullet that happened to catch Papa straight in the leg, injuring him. Along with the bullet in Papa’s leg, the U.S. military believed that he was working with the Japanese, so they took him to a U.S. …show more content…

With a stroke of luck, the Davis family finds Grampa Joji in the Queen’s Hospital and finds a way to get him to live back in O’ahu with his family. With his friends’ help along with Grampa Joji’s help, Tomi is able to put his good ideas to the task and he is confident that he can bring this boat up. Tomi and his friends can take on Keet, but when trouble comes their way, can they take on his whole gang? Tomi makes a comeback in the fight for the boat, but his good ideas can’t carry him all the way, so he gets extra help from other people. Even with the help of others, Tomi needs to be smart, especially when he knows that one wrong move can lose his mother’s job and his

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