Day Of Conditioning

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I’m sitting in math class trying not to fall asleep from all of the uninteresting work. As soon as I started to close my eyes, the announcements came on. The woman on the intercom said,” All students interested in running track, please report to the auditorium” I abruptly wasn’t sleepy anymore. I jumped up and asked permission to leave the class. I darted out of the class and headed to the destination. Track was the only sport that I would participate in so I knew was not going to miss this opportunity. While in the auditorium, we got all the information about what we should expect in the upcoming season. I was already prepared for the first practice. On the first day of conditioning, a plentiful amount people attended. I was sure that I was in shape until we did our first workout and I was out of breath. During the season, I was not perform that well. Many other kids were much faster than I was. I sometimes would think I wasn’t good enough. After tryouts, I was so anxious to find out if I got on the team or not. …show more content…

All of a sudden, a student came in and said that the list was posted. I walked briskly to the paper on the wall. While I walked, I prayed to God that I got on the team. I looked and discovered the name, Genesis Williams on the paper. I was so glad. My whole mood changed and I was joyful for the rest of the day. However, the days at practice were still a struggle. Still not fit, I would always be exhausted. My endurance and stamina were terrible and I knew I had to put an effort into fixing that. During track meets, I would get 3rd or 4th place. I always thought to myself, would I ever win a

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