Day N. Nite Biography

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Depressed thoughts mixed with constant confusion for a high school boy is not an ideal combination. My genetics paired with a few awry experiences cause myself to be a victim to dark, cloudy thoughts. It doesn’t happen to many people, therefore nobody truly understands me, or how my witty brain truly works. With those negative words being said, I know that everything will be okay in the end and that everything has a purpose. For my song that defines me, I chose “Day ‘N Nite”, by Kid Cudi. Day 'N Nite is a rap, produced back in 2009. With my current state of sadness combined with being let down repetitively, I don’t look up too many people these days. However, I do look up to Kid Cudi. I say this with nothing but complete genuine honesty. …show more content…

I listen heavily to the words and rhythm of all my songs. My reasoning for doing so is because I like to see what the artist thinks. I like to see what he’s gone through. I firmly believe musical lyrics have taught me more about life than any worthless textbook ever could. “The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night. He’s all alone throughout the day and night.” This is my favorite song quote, and is a repeated verse in my selected song. These magical words speak to me. I cannot possibly fathom my complete thoughts over this quote onto paper. I am a stoner. I never smoke during the day due to a lack of production, and I don’t like my sobriety altered in the public. With that being stated, I smoke marijuana every night before I go to sleep. I’ve started that regimen over the last year, and I couldn’t be more content with it. Although marijuana has proven to help sleeping issues, that is not the main intent of me constantly doing it before bed. The words “lonely stoner frees his mind at night” are very influential to me. I feel as if I am a lonely, lost boy in a dark, twisted society, just trying to get by. My opinion of this world is unbelievably low, and with many letdowns among other unspoken reasoning, I feel as if I’m alone in this world. I feel as if I’ve got my own back, and that’s it. Coming with my nightly smoking session, it gives me something to look forward too. Marijuana for me at night is essential because I free my mind. All of my stress, and depressed thoughts seem to disappear temporarily. Life seems much better when you’re stoned at night, or at least in my specific case. I look forward to around 10:00 PM as soon as I get up in the mornings because I know when that time comes, that all of my problems will leave me and I can find peace within

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