Dating: A Short Story

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A few weeks had passed since her domestic dispute. I was on Facebook and I saw an interesting post from her on my feed. It read, “So happy I can’t wait to be Mrs. Brown.” With utter confusion, I clicked on her page and saw a picture of a wedding ring. I began to scroll down her page and I saw another interesting post. This post read, “I’m the happiest girl in the world, I couldn't ask for anyone better... you treat me so right.” I really didn't want to say anything mean or even question her actions. So I simply commented and said “??? Are you serious.” Crystal replied, “If you don't have anything nice to say, leave my page.” She deleted me from her Facebook that day and we haven't spoken since.

Ladies, I encourage you all to find true …show more content…

The problem doesn't start in the end; it sometimes starts at the beginning. It can start when we are just dating someone, but we overlook it because it is early in the relationship. Dating is a test trial. It is when two people go out to see if they are compatible with each other to seek a further, more intimate relationship. Let’s first properly understand what a date is. A date should be both fun and informative at the same time. Dating does not mean you are in a relationship with this person. Dating someone and being in a relationship with someone are two completely different things. Two people date to see if the other is someone they would like to have a relationship with. I like to compare dating to high school athletes preparing for college. They go on college visits to see which school is right for them. Depending on what the student is looking for in a college, will determine which school they choose. Maybe they want to party. Maybe academics, or athletics, are very important. Depending on what you are looking for at that time in your life will decide, but you WEIGH YOUR OPTIONS! Choosing what college to attend is very important. Dating should be the same way. Go on multiple dates and see what you like and dislike. Each man’s pros and cons can have an impact on what’s the best fit for …show more content…

Since I used the word great to describe his character I must first speak on that word. Great is an extent of excellence; above the normal. Character is the moral qualities of an individual. So when I say great character I mean a man who has excellent moral qualities that are beyond the average man. By that one thing alone you are separating yourself from a large amount of men who may cause you heartbreak. Great character will have you living a certain way. Aspects of kindness, and humility will be exhibited.

Leadership is also very key. Leadership is the action of leading or guiding a group. So when you look for a man, you should want him to be a leader. He should be able to lead you and your potential family in the appropriate direction. He should be able to inspire you to reach your goals and assist you in those

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