Dark Night Monologue

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A soft darkened sky draped across a blossoming landscape riddled with life that were homes to more than one.
This soft dark sky of the night was broken by a beautiful glow of purple shimmering flora scattered through the ground. As the sky got darker the foliage got brighter. Creatures of the night chattered through the air, as if gossip and discussions took place. The days are quiet and the nights are busy, It is during the night when things begin to unfold and populate. A group of beings walk through the natural bending structures that merely shivered by their touch.
The beings appendages rustle through, creating light to anything it touched or graced. One shifted its front towards another, the first one looked in approval.
As this happened, both spouted one from …show more content…

Suddenly the indigo returned to the purple many recognized, a sudden change that took many by surprise. Howling, chattering and all sorts of noises was that of fear or concern, but it only was a passing moment before the dark night returned to a near silence. Amongst the calm bristling foliage lay one of the two beings, they lay in a blue haze wearing uncertainty and gloom. looking to the sky, a warm glow emitted from the front of a single being.
A cold blue oddly gave a warm embrace, attracted many to open their selves rather thin hide and shelter from it like a cold night. As the colors blended once more it changed the mood to inviting, to a mellow cautious. The nearby bodies of water hanging from the foliage began to march into the ground. Single file lines slipped through the crevices of anything big enough to dance through.
Ever so softly water began thundering from the sky, the once open neighborhood became private and silent. The mellow light stood strong through the night, almost as if cautioning others to stay hidden and sheltered. Once the warm beacon in

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