Dark Figure Of Crime Essay

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The public concerns about the huge upward trend of crime in the society since the 1970s, as the law and order in criminal justices, became more and more important on the political agenda (Hopkins 2013, p.118). However, according to Sutherland, Cressey, and Luckenbill (1992, p.48), they claimed that “the statistics on crime are probably the most unreliable and the most difficult to all statistics on social phenomena”. In the following paragraphs, I will start by explaining the definition of dark figure of crime, then discuss the data published by official departments because they are usually the principal source that used to show the crime statistics to the public with its limitations, along with talking about the usefulness of using Crime Survey …show more content…

Also, if the police department published a report with discrepancies, the public may have less attention to some of the crimes, crimes will then continued to climb and transform into a new crime until the official department discover the seriousness of the case, but that will be more difficult to tackle the problems. Furthermore, the quality of recording by police is poor, “crimes may not be recorded consistently across police forces and so the true level of recorded crime may be understated (The Office for National Statistics

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