Dante's Inferno Greed

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In today’s society, we have our minds set on how the over plus will think of us, or what we can do to gain attention. Why do we base our personal actions off of consequences, while we are told throughout life to be ourselves? Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet and philosopher, who was thrown out of Florence, Italy in which he came across the beginning of hell. Dante’s Inferno was ranked off of sins he felt were the worst and his choices on how each being will suffer because of their wrongdoing. As humans, following each other can be an extremely easy option to choose if we feel alone or meaningless. Dante may have based his order of sins in a placement according to his personal experiences, or what he saw happening in the association around …show more content…

All of these problems can be resolved with the will to do so, unlike the sins Dante has uncovered. Treachery, greed, betrayal, murder and many more are permanently stuck in the mind of the sinner or the person they have hurt, for infinitude. Dante felt that since a person has done something so horrific that it will haunt them for the rest of their lives, they deserve a suffering spot in hell and the constant reminder of what they committed. The induction of sins, however, seems illogical. For example, limbos should not have any place in hell. Since those citizens had no choice or sight when they were born into their family doesn’t mean they should have to spend afterlife in hell. Dante must have felt strongly about religion and the importance of loyalty towards God to decide on this particular sin. Also, fraud should be given a higher ranking than violence. Violence is physically hurting an alive and well human being, yet fraud is messing with minds and objects which is much easier to mend. Dante decided these particular sins to organize his emotions towards the wrong of the world, only so he could focus on the …show more content…

All through the minds of many in the modern world, we overthink our appearance and how our personalities have to be in order to fit in. Almost acting as a sin, size is an act of life or death to most. If a teenage girl isn’t a size zero, the invisible devil on their shoulder might be punishing them for committing an artificial sin. We bring ourselves down way to often due to the bodies God physically and mentally chose to portray. Instead of the protagonist receiving burden of their body, they should celebrate how they were made and deserve to be comfortable in their own body. Often times, we also cause negativity towards others that don’t have the perfect body or the best makeup brands. As a worldwide community, we have to realize that making fun of a person for their appearance is just as bad as sinning in

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