Examples Of Greed In Dante's Inferno

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Distinguishing between right and wrong are vital to making good decisions. However, the bible says that “for all have sinned, and come short to the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Many times people lean towards temptation and get trapped in wickedness, consequently, leading to trouble in the future. In the epic poem Inferno, Dante Alighieri proves that conflict within one’s self is the underlying reason why people perform certain acts of sin in the living world, leading to troubled eternal lives. Even though Dante did not view lust and adultery as being one of the worst sins, the characters in circle two are stuck hopelessly flying around to repay for the sins they had committed. The souls had to make a judgement in the real world that lead them to this fate. Choosing between love and lust, or husband and man, made these people make a choice that would forever affect their lives. Francesca, a soul in this circle, made the wrong choice, putting her into hell. She is stuck now believing “...there is no greater sorrow/ than to be mindful of the happy time/ in misery...” (Alighieri 5.121-123). …show more content…

They were choosing to follow their hearts, which is what people say to do all the time. However, following their hearts lead them to an eternal life of chaos. Francesca speaks of her lover, Galeotto, saying “this one, who ne’er from me shall be divided,/ kisses me upon the mouth all palpitating./ Galeotto was the book and he who wrote it” (Alighieri 5. 135-137). Francesca’s feelings toward Galeotto felt right, but ended up being wrong. Her decision lead her to where she has ended up, never being able to physically and emotionally connect with her lover again. Instead of choosing to be faithful to her husband, she decided it would be okay to follow her heart and be with another

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