Daniel Elazar's Typology Of Political Cultures

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When looking at Daniel Elazar's typology of political cultures we see that each of them are very different and have distinctly different views on issues such as education or taxation. Furthermore, living in Texas we see two of the three typologies most frequently: Individualistic and Traditionalistic. An individualistic political culture can be defined by reference.com as a culture in which individual liberties and the right to pursue personal happiness are the dominant concerns and primary political virtues. Whereas, a traditionalistic society is. Furthermore, I would like to examine the political views of these two cultures on the issues of abortion and welfare. Abortion is a very sensitive topic when examining it in a political sense. An individualistic political culture's views on this issue can be summed up by Pro-Choice. When looking closer at their views, we see that they believe that women have a right to their own choice when it comes to her own body. Individualistic cultures view abortion as a right the government should protect diligently. Additionally, they believe a fetus is not a human so therefore it is not considered a murder. In addition, they push for taxpayer money should go to funding abortions for women who do not have the funds to provide it on their own. …show more content…

In the case of abortion, most of the traditionalistic views are often religiously based Their beliefs are that conception is the beginning of a human life, so therefore abortion is a form of murder. Moreover, they do not approve of using taxpayers hard earned money to fund abortions. When looking at the topic of abortion they do not believe that if a woman simply chooses to have sex that she is entitled to the choice of whether her fetus lives or dies because the fetus has an individual right at conception. Additionally, they advocate banning Partial Birth

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