Cyrenaic Hedonism In Everyday Life

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In ancient Greece, many philosophers came up with lot's of great ideas and particular ways to think and go about your everyday life. More than just different ways of life, some of these great ideas that philosophers have been able to come up with are aimed to change a persons daily thought process to only seek happiness or pleasures on the journey of life. Hedonism derived from early Greek times and has evolved today in many different forms. A well practiced Hedonist has trained their mind to only seek only the upmost pleasure for the intrinsic good and to block out all pain that shall cause a person's suffering or discomfort in ones life. Some hedonist focus solely on just avoiding pain, while others main goal is to seek as much pleasure as one possibly can. Stoicism is a different idea in which was founded by Zeno of Citium in the 3rd century …show more content…

Cyrenaic Hedonism is said to be started by Aristippus, who grew up in northern Africa. The name comes from the city which he grew up in, Cyrene. Aristippus was very fond of Socrates and traveled to Athens in order to learn under him. Cyrenaic hedonists were not interested in the quality of pleasures, but only pleasure itself. They considered all pleasures to be equal and the only way to wrong themselves of pleasure is to lose self control. It wasn’t until Epicurus that the quality of pleasures were brought on as an importance; which eventually led him to create his own system in Epicureanism, which was a refined version of hedonism. Cynicism was a school founded by Antisthenes who was fascinated by the great Socrates. The Cynics opposed hedonism because they believed the way it wired an individual would make people soft. Cynics believed that Empicureans relied too much on their friends and certain "proper" pleasures while cynicism was fueled by sarcasm and individuals who were trained to think

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