Cultural Differences In Popular Religions

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Since the beginning of time religion has been a key factor in the establishment and maintaining of civilizations. Popular religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity have played a major role in society. ??? Each religion has a different form of ??? In this paper i will be discussing the differences in how they view death and applying it to how it affects their cultural beliefs. In order to fully discuss these dissimilarities we must first look at a brief background of each major religion.

The first of which is Hinduism. One of the oldest surviving religions, a religion that surprisingly has no founding date making it unique among the world of religion. There is also no human founder which thus makes Hinduism a mystical religion. …show more content…

Therefore they worship many different Gods and Goddesses, much like the ancient Egyptians did. Hindus worship a single Being of ultimate oneness, Brahman, through an infinite number of manifestations. These representations of Gods and Goddesses are believed to be within idols, statues, temples, gurus, rivers, and animals-among many others.

Though Hinduism is labeled as a religion, it’s actually much more than that. It’s a culture, a lifestyle, and a society that has influenced it’s people for more than four thousand years. The Indian culture is made up of several languages and dialects causing much racial diversity amongst the civilization. Although modern Hinduism often conflicts with that of the earlier forms of this religion, it’s most basic foundation is practically the same. Even though it’s teachings are not commonly agreed upon.

Their teachings are focused around what they call the nine basic beliefs. As far as death goes, Hindus teach and believe in the rebirth and reincarnation of souls. To them, souls are immortal and everlasting. Essentially the universe undergoes endless cycles of creation, preservation and

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