Cuban Missile Crisis Dbq Analysis

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In the year 1960 JFK beat Nixon in the elections and was elected president. During his presidency JFK faced a tragic encounter with the Russians. Cuba a communist country became great friends with the Soviet Union, and let them set up bombs there. The U.S. was not comfortable with the Russians playing in their backyard. So the United States decided to invade Cuba and stop them but failed to do so. Khrushchev the soviet leader decided to come to a compromise with JFK which shows that he handled the Cuban Missile Crisis better than JFK.

Khrushchev wanted to put Missile in Cuba because the United States had missile all over the world ready to attack the Soviets but he was willing to remove the Missiles to make the United States “happy”. In document A, the letter Khrushchev wrote to JFK, Khrushchev wrote that the Soviet Union is willing to remove the missiles that the U.S. sees as offensive. This shows that even though the United States has missiles pointed at Russia, Khrushchev was still willing to remove the missiles because he did not want conflict between both countries,which implies that he handled the Crisis better than JFK.

Also in document B, the letter that JFK wrote to Khrushchev, JFk states that the soviet Union desire was to come up with a prompt solution to this missile problem. This indicates that Khrushchev wanted …show more content…

Robert Kennedy states, in document C, that the United States was willing to do whatever it take to stop those missiles even if it meant that in the course of stopping them, a war could start. This shows how the United States was willing to do whatever it took, even if it meant the beginning of WWIII, but the soviets were smart and wanted to avoid a war so they were willing to resolve the situation with a prompt solution. This indicates that Khrushchev handled the Missile Crisis better than

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