Cuban Missile Crisis

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The Cuban Missile Crisis was the biggest event of the cold war. It was the result from the United States dropping two nuclear bombs on Japan, and the following race by the Soviets to equal the nuclear arms race with the United States. The crisis was the closest the world ever came to having a nuclear war. There is no denying the importance of the steps taken by both President John F. Kennedy and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in bringing the crisis to a peaceful end.
The crisis started in 1962 when the Soviet Union started to build nuclear missile sites in Cuba. On October 16th, 1962 the United States intelligence using a U-2 spy plane overflew Cuba and photographed missile sites. According to Chris Trueman Author of History Learning Site, “On October 17th 1962 the CIA reported to the president that the 16 to 32 missiles identified could kill 80 million Americans as they had a range of 2000 miles with a flight time of just 17 minutes ”(Trueman). When President Kennedy was advised about the missile sites he called his cabinet and military leaders to formulate what action the United States should take. His military advisors thought the United States should take immediate action to destroy the missile sites. His civilian advisors were more cautious and wanted to avoid a war between the Soviets and the United States fearing the action would lead to nuclear war. During this crisis the Kennedy administration wanted to keep the crisis out of the news and from the people fearing it would cause chaos and fear. During this time President Kennedy was searching for some way to communicate with the Soviets that would allow both countries to save face with their citizens. This shows that after everyone gathered the knowledge of the true powe...

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...ntle their missile sites.
The resolve of the United States to eliminate the missile sites and the steady hand of the Kennedy administration allowed Nikita Khrushchev an opportunity to remove the missiles and at the same time save face with his communist government.
The haunting question remains of what might have happened if another President was in office and did not take the same actions as President Kennedy. If the United States had bombed the missile sites or sunk the supply ships would the Soviets have gone to war by invading Berlin and taken over Germany and other European countries? Unfortunately for the NATO battle plan, to deal with a Soviet invasion was the use of nuclear weapons. NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Due to the Vast knowledge of war Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev had an advantage over President Kennedy.

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