Cry The Beloved Country Injustice Essay

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Profanity and mistreatment is never a good thing to happen. This is a type of injustice. Injustice is defined as ,”absence of justice : violation of right or of the rights of another : unfairness”. Injustice is a terrible thing no matter the circumstance. In the novel, Cry the Beloved Country and the play, The Piano Lesson, there was an extensive amount of injustice and wrong doing. The Piano Lesson was an outstanding play of a African American family who faces troubles with an evil spirit, and the only way to stop it is by playing a spiritual piano made by the family's ancestors. The Injustice in the story was the evil spirit; James Sutter, the former slave owner of the ancestors who created the Piano. He did not like the …show more content…

The novel Cry the Beloved Country is about a father of an African tribe who goes into a corrupt and unjust city to save his relatives . He goes there only to find out that it is too late, one of Kumalo's little brother, John, has become a needy selfish lawyer. His son, Absalom, has murdered a man while he was robbing his house. His little sister,Gertrude, has becomes a prostitute. She also has a child that is uncared for. The town of Johannesburg where all of these tragic events happen is also amoral, unethical, and crooked in its own way. Johannesburg is full of racist and evil people. It needs more police and black rights. As well as schools , especially for black kids. There is segregation and the whites barricade themselves from the blacks out of fear. Out of all of this inhumanity, Kumalo still sees hope. In the novel, Kumalo is on a journey but is abruptly stopped when a boycott ban is placed. Fortunately for Kumalo a white man offers to take him to where he needs to go. Another act that gave Kumalo hope was the protests to build more houses and schools. This showed Kumalo that at least the townspeople are trying to make a change for the better. There is always something good to see out of every tragic

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