Crucible Book Vs Movie

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Have you ever wondered whats out there in the universe if so a wrinkle in time dose just that. The book and movie are about a girl named meg and a boy named Charles Wallace go on a wild adventure along with there friend Calvin O’Keefe and the three W’s with are Mrs.Who, Mrs.Whatsit, And Mrs.Which .A wrinkle in time book and movie are very similar in many ways but they also have lots of differences .This is so because lots of things can be done in the movie but not all things like the rainbow wings for the creature mrs. Whatsit transforms into.This is not possible in the movie because they didn't have good CGI's back then so if they did make the wings into rainbows if so would take hours upon HOURS to create that. Although this essay in not going to be all about differences because that could go on and on forever there are also similarities. The book and movie are similar in at least four different ways. One is that meg thinks less of herself thinking she dumb but she's not. She's actually really …show more content…

One is megs glasses and braces. In the book she has them but in the movie she doesn't . Another difference is Charles Wallace. In the book he's 5 and doesn’t go to school and can't read. Wile in the movie he's 6 reads and goes to school. Also in the book Camozots is bright and colorful but in the movie its dark and gloomy. The setting is also different the book take’s place in the past were there was no technology such as computers or internet while the movie dose. lastly another difference is the endings. In the book meg got to Camozots rescues Charles , her father and go home. Shortly after Mrs. Whatsit in a very faint mist tries telling meg something before she blows away and doesn't finish what she was saying. Wile in the movie meg saves Charles,Dad and the people of Camozots. Then go home to have a final goodby from the three

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