Crohn's Disease Case Study

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Crohn’s Disease is usually in the small intestine but can affect the whole GI. A flare up is when the bacteria in the intestines are mistaken for invaders the body launches an immune attack. They are believed to be linked to stress and dietary intake. The signs and symptoms that is express with the subjective information is leading towards a flare up. (Crohn’ & Colitis 2015) Assessment to further explore patients history of Crohn’s Disease and symptoms. Bowel Movements What is the color of stool? How long ago was his last flare up? Is the consistence of the stool hard/soft/runny? Does it burn or is it bloody? Are you bleeding from rectum? Do you have full evacuation or partial? Can you rate your anxiety level? Are you talking with anyone about your depression? Do you feel helpless or hopeless? Do you feel about yourself? 2) Pain scale stated 6 on 0-10 Is it worse on one side of the abdominal over the other? How long have you had the pain? What does the pain feel like? Do you have pain anywhere else? What give you relief? Are you taking any medication if so what? 3) For the data the most probable cause of the patients pain is Crohn’s Disease. The subjective data is pain …show more content…

The sweetener in question is in hard candy, and sugar-free gums. The sweetener Sorbitol studies in German have found that consuming around 50 grams which is roughly 16-20 pieces a day would cause GI disruptions. But if taken in smaller quantities it was found that only mild distress was noticed such as gas, bloating, and cramping. Once the Sorbitol was removed for the diet the GI issues subsided. So in retrospect sugar-free is not really free due to the distress the substitute can causes. This case study just goes to show that by inquiring about one dietary daily intake can prevent unnecessary expensive test to solve the problems one may be experiencing in the GI system. (Bauditz, Norman, & Biering

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