Critical Reflection On Group Analysis

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CRITICAL REFLECTION ON GROUP ASSIGNMENT During the process of making the video assignment, our team experienced a wide range of barriers related to the behavior of individuals who are members of the team. Poyrazli in 2011 argue that differences in character and cultural background become one of the factors that reduce the efficiency of the team performance, because, the team members are consist of international students from China, Indonesia, Australia, Vietnam and India. Stereotypes do exist and are still going on, but it is only an old story, and a working group or team should be able to work on it, stereotypes have been unable to justify the ineffectiveness and inefficiency (Pseekos et al 2008, Haines & Sumner 2006), because nowadays …show more content…

425). If someone is unable to commit to working in groups, an individual should explain it at the beginning, so it does not interfere the performance of the group. That is why in the business is needs contract to secure the work agreement with their employees. Contract system is used when the employee has lost trust from their company to guarantee their work performance (Buchanan & Huczynski 2013, p. …show more content…

But, the agreed timeline becomes disrupted and had to delayed because one of the members is often did not attend the meeting and did not finish his parts. This commitment problem is a challenge in building level of trust between members of the group (Alstot & Alstot 2015, Song 2008). Luckily, other group members were able to maintain the intensity and quality of their work. Thus, the work can be completed on time despite the results are not optimal. In the teamwork, the commitment as a member of the team must be maintained by pointing an optimal performance, so it does not interfere the performance of the team (Song 2008). Things like social loafing and free riding practice by the individuals are not acceptable in the professional world because it will reduce the team and organizations productivity (Buchanan & Huczynski 2013, p. 397, Magni et al 2013). If someone did it in his work, the company will detect and give a punishment on it

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