Critical Analysis Of The Article: Obama's 'Making College Affordable'

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In the article by The Daily Californian, “Making College Affordable”, the primary focus centers on the claim that American college education needs desperate improvement. Obama’s plan to help solve this dilemma created a policy for allowing college students to gain more resources to attend their college of choice, and avoid any resulting debts. Even though it appears encouraging, his method apparently has some problematic drawbacks that are possibly just as unfavorable as not having implemented his plan at all.
The purpose of this article appears to be highlighting the fact that Obama’s optimistic new methods for reducing college financial costs is not as perfect as it appears, and to demonstrate that executing such a plan poses more burdens than benefits. For this reason, the writer attempts to offer evidence that there are other more constructive and reasonable ways of approaching the issue, ones that can succeed without worries of creating an unfair process.
The audience is likely the college students and the colleges that are being affected by unequal distribution, Obama’s plan, or both. The author may want to inspire those who are affected to work together to create a superior system.
The author gives support …show more content…

Though the writer does not deny that his plan is an encouraging idea for a problematic system, they imply that if administered, his plan would simply transfer the burden from struggling college students to the very organizations trying to educate them. The author suggests that a preferable method to undertake this ordeal is to advocate for affordable public education, an arrangement that will not incorporate unreasonable loans. Using this method, the colleges are not forced to suddenly adapt to a new policy that might harm their occupations and weaken their ability to build up their own

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