Criminal Justice Personal Statement Examples

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White wigs, black gowns and the proud feeling of demanding “order in the courtroom” were amongst my many childhood aspirations, yet this particular aspiration did not wither away upon realising reality promised a much tougher path instead. My curiosity with how ethical considerations are entwined within the legal system; particularly the death penalty, serve as a great attraction towards reading Law. I am intrigued by how Law provides a legal infrastructure symbolising that a society lacking in Law and Order is perhaps predestined for anarchy and destruction. Yet what truly compounded my interest in Law was examining examples of miscarriages of justice, most notably, the case Stephen Lawrence which confirmed lingering racial inequalities attesting that enforcing Law is the only cogent weapon in expelling injustice.
My A-Level subjects have afforded me with a breadth of skills; mainly a strong spirit of enquiry, intuitive reason and advocacy. Studying History has consolidated my skill of critical analysis and I have been particularly stimulated by …show more content…

This was significant as it exposed me to the realities of Law as opposed to the common preconception I initially held. Moreover, the ease with which Lawyers broached sensitive matters of child custody and domestic violence cases highlighted to me the importance of strengthening a gentle and mature manner. I grew to appreciate the magnitude of attention to detail and how vital it is to be meticulous by proof reading and then presenting a mock bail application to a panel of Magistrates, teaching me to present arguments concisely and logically. I also noted how Magistrates abandon their emotions so as to form an impartial judgement on a case. Overall, my devotion to read Law was not only reinforced but driven

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