Criminal Defense Research Paper

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Choosing the right criminal defense firm to represent you when you are charged with a criminal defense can be hard. When you are charged with a criminal defense, it means that you have breached common law and it is the government that is bringing the legal action against you. When you are accused of a criminal crime, you could face penalties that range from a fine to going to jail or prison. In some cases, you could even lose your life if convicted. Some examples of criminal offenses can include:

• Kidnapping
• Aggravated assault
• Manslaughter/murder
• Battery
• Drug possession
• Driving under the influence

If you are charged with a criminal offense, you will want to find a good Las Vegas criminal defense lawyer. They are the ones …show more content…

You should check with several firms and make appointments to talk to them. You should learn about their experience in handling your type of case.

You should also know how they charge their clients. Some Las Vegas defense attorneys may charge a flat rate for each case but other firms may charge by the hour. You should not choose the criminal defense attorney firm based on them being the least expensive. Cost is not always linked to the quality of service you would get but sometimes it could indicate that the representation would not be top-notched. A good firm is generally expensive but if the firm can get your case dropped or charges reduced to just a fine, the expense is worth it. If you cannot afford the payments up front, check to see if they would accept a payment plan.

Aside from their experience and cost, you should also feel comfortable with the Las Vegas defense lawyer who is going to represent you in your case. These cases can be very intimidation and you should feel comfortable that the firm has what it takes to be aggressive and win your case. You should also feel comfortable asking questions and feel confident in the answers you get. Make sure that you ask the firm how many cases like yours they have defended and

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