Criminal Defense Lawyer Ethics

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With a Criminal Justice degree there are so many different career paths a person can choose. For me I chose to take the career path of a lawyer. In this paper I will discuss what are ethical values to me and how I plan to strictly stick to them, also my ethical standards. How a lawyer can be pulled into the gray area without even knowing it and how to get out of it the right way. The different types of framework, including utilitarian, deontological, and peacemaking, would help a person along in the process if you find yourself going down a slippery slope. I will discuss the frameworks in detail for as which one works best for me and how I will apply them to my everyday work life along with ethical delmas, and hypothetical situations. …show more content…

As an advocate, they will take on and represent one of the parties in criminal or civil trials collecting evidence and showing it and debating in support of their client. As an advisor, they offer advice and counsel their clients in what they believe is the best bet for them. Only thinking about their client best intrest at heart. They will do the research and apply the laws to the specific circumstances that the client faces.
I plan on becoming a criminal defense attorney. Criminal defense lawyers handles anything from Expengement to crime. The main role of a criminal defense lawyer is to defend and represent their client in the criminal court. This can be anything from hearings, trials, encompasses arraignments, settled conferences, pretrial and much more. Criminal lawyers usually work on more than one case at a timeand they also represent teenages and adulds in th federal …show more content…

The utilitarian would use this approach to scare future serial killers in doing the very same act. If they feel as though they would get caught and could possible face the death row sentence they make think twice about committing the same crime. Deontological ethics places moral emphasis on the intentions of your actions, not the actual consequences. The three formulas from Kant’s groundwork are 1) is to act so that your maxim can be made into a universal law, 2) to treat others as ends, not as mere means, and 3) always live in the realm of ends, where you imagine yourself to be the legislator and the source of moral law. With the retribution theory it is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. If we take this approach we would have to kill John’s family and dismemble

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