Creativity Is Wrong

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All things in life require a balance. Exercise regularly, but not too much else your body won’t be able to recover. Hydrate, but not too much or you’ll risk drowning yourself. Wash your hands regularly to avoid illness, but too often and your skin will grow dry, crack, and small cuts can make you more prone to contracting and spreading disease. As with everything, balance is crucial. Creativity is not an exception. Due to this magical balancing act that we constantly play, or at least try to, with everything in our lives, I find it more useful to discuss the logical extremes of opposing points. To this, I pose a question. Is it better to jail an innocent person or set free a guilty one? The justice system in the US takes a hard stance on this question. Varying burdens of proof operate under the belief that it is always better to set a guilty person free than to jail an innocent person. Ideally, all the guilty are imprisoned and all the innocent are free, but this is not realistic, thus it is necessary to decide. The same vein holds true for creativity in life. Whether it be mine, yours, or Mozart’s. The answer is always a balance. Since that answer is obvious, I’ll take this opportunity to engage in an …show more content…

This is why in improv we do not say “no”, not out loud, not to ourselves. We want to maximize our creativity and simply allow things to flow. Living a life without limits is necessary for the most creative life. Therefore, there would be as few restrictions as possible. No 9-5. No set workspace. No schedule, meetings, deadlines, you name it. This is, by nature, impractical. Practicality deals exclusively with the application of ideas, not the creation of them. In this world and with boundless creativity, countless things could be created from nothing. Art, music, inventions, new smoothies. But creation is all that would happen, therefore there would be no paintings, no songs, no products, and no new smoothie

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