Creative Writing: The Boxer

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Boxer growled impatiently when Fanna gripped the reins of the horse and tugged them back a little, making the brown mare slow to a steady trot. He didn't care what anyone said, flying was the best method of transportation, hands down. The temptation of jumping off the back of the horse, throwing Fanna over his shoulder, and taking to the skies was too great, but he had managed to resist the urge so far. Besides, even if he did try and do that, he knew that she would yell and argue with him until they landed, and when that would happen, she would probably attempt to fight him out of pure spite. He rolled his eyes. She acted just like his mother, and he was beginning to wonder how his father could put up with such a stubborn, loud woman. "Can't we go any faster?" He heard her mutter …show more content…

He was so sick of traveling on this damned horse, and he could feel the negative effects of not getting enough rest taking it's toll on him greatly. For the past few days, he had made sure that she would be properly protected, and he was willing to go to extreme measures to ensure her safety because he truly cared about her. Whenever they had set up camp for the night, they were in the middle of some forest, or in a open field, and it wasn't like those places were exactly safe . He stayed up for the majority of the night, listening out for anything that would sound out of place or threatening to him. When he would fall asleep, it seemed like the very next moment she would be shaking his arm, telling him to wake up and get ready to leave once again. It was tempting to take a nap while they were riding, but he wanted to protect her and make sure that she wouldn't make any stupid decisions. He glanced around at his surroundings and saw that they had emerged onto a open field which was empty with the exception of a tree or two. The meadow stretched out for miles, and everything seemed perfectly

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