Creative Writing: A Sandman's Bowling Ball

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The day started with clear blue skies and not a cloud in the sight. The only noise that you could hear was a concert given by the nearby crickets, and a lonely bull frog singing nearby in unison. As the evening passes on a sharp snoring noise can be heard muffled softly. All of a sudden a sharp, loud noise woke up the dead. He unsteadily reached out and stuck the sleep button. As he dozed back off into his sleepy bliss. He rolled over gently pulling the blanket back over his head, drowning out the morning light. The sandman started to spread the sands of dreams back into his eyes. Dreams started to reenter his mind. When he reentered the rapid eye movement, he started to see the tenth frame, and he was down by …show more content…

James took a deep breath, staring at his target, that all of his teammates are expecting him to be able to knock them down. He started his approach, swinging the bowling ball in a pendulum motion, while he took his five step approach. He releases the ball in a clocklike precision, and carefully watched it, as it rolled down the lane. It seemed that it would take forever for the ball to reach its intended target. The pins exploded like a bomb went off, for the strike. He quickly raised one finger up into the air and said to himself,” That’s …show more content…

The ball reached the end of its journey, and the pins to explode for his second strike. He raised his hand once more triumphantly and held up two fingers. Slowly he reached down and grabbed his rosin bag once more. James stood there and intently stared at the scoreboard one more time, figuring out what exactly he needed to throw in his final shot. He glanced over his shoulder at Paul their lead-off bowler, and raised his eyebrow in question. Paul stood there and rose up four fingers, as if he truly knew what James was thinking. Noise in the bowling alley, became definitely silent. It reminded James about the church he was raised in, right before of

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