Creative Writing: South Saint Mountain

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In the deepest part of the forest, there lives a girl. She was only 12 years old, hair color of a pale corn, and eyes of a dark shade of hazel. Her skin color is a light tan, with a few scratches and patches of dirt. The dress she wore is a simple white dress with some pink lace around the hem of the dress. It was covered with stains from the forest. The child didn’t have any shoes or anything covered her feet. That didn’t bother her. She always watches where she stepped, and she likes the feeling of dirt or water under her feet. In a forest is lonely, but she would find something entertaining in it. The child would see how animals survive and live their life. She imitates the animal’s characteristics and tests her imitation of the same or …show more content…

William was known to be a great searcher of jewels and other precious stones. He even has a nickname, Mountain Man; for staying in the mountains longer than any other men. “Are you still going to the South Saint Mountain?” Jack questioned. William thought for a second. “I might have to move to a different mountain.” He answered. Jack gave a worry expression and was about to reply, but got to interrupt by the waitress. “Here’s your drink, William.” said the waitress. “Thank you, Abby,” William replied. As he was drinking, Jack told Abby of William’s problem. She gasped at the news and start asking questions on William. “William are you sure of moving to another mountain?” he nodded his head, after finishing his drink. “If I keep searching out South Saint Mountain, and find nothing valuable, then I’m in trouble,” answered William. Jack and Abby gave a worried expression to William. Abby wanted to say something but hesitate. Then Jack spoke up, “Does she know that you’re going to another mountain?” William reply by shaking his head “no”. “Are you going to take her with you?” said Abby. William gives a thought for a minute to answer the question. He sighed and responded, “I want her to come, but I want her to be safe too.” The two people have a sadden look to William. “Which mountain are you going to search?” questioned

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