Creative Writing: My Therapist

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Prompt #4: Describe a place of environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you? A fire strikes and soon every corner of the room ignites in flames; at least, that’s what the homely red loveseats and orange patterned carpet looks like through teary eyes on days I become particularly emotional. The dearth of décor augments the warm color theme of my therapist’s office, the only room one can either derive clarity or create more incertitude from. One of the walls accommodates a large window whose view is obstructed by the towering glass skyscrapers and the occasional rain. Once a week for a full hour that room is my solace, when I divulge my worries, reflect upon my character, and find happiness. …show more content…

I nervously edged on the corner of the seat, observing the cherub woman assigned to me as my therapist as she spoke of procedural regulations. I was led here due to my peaking anxiety and daily irrational fears and needed somebody to confide in that would allow me to overcome this. Our routine rarely changed: I’d let myself sink in the well upholstered couch, take a few minutes to organize my thoughts, drown the room in my voice, and then I’d listen to my therapist’s suggestions and witty metaphors. Behind her there was a spotless white dry-erase board we seldom used except for one time, when she drew four tiny red fiends called the worry monsters: one was perfectionism, the other stress, the third one was negativity, and the last one was black and white thinking. Never before had I put these flaws into such perspective, for I realized these monsters only existed in my head, and the only person who enabled them any power was

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