Creative Writing: Let The Feathers Fall

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CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Let the Feathers Fall Sorry guys you’re stuck in the goblins grisly nightmare,” said a voice from the mouth of the cave. A penguin was perched on a rock. There was a hint of daring in its glowing purple gaze. It looked daunting, almost dangerous and I recognized that tone, which was more ladylike than you’d expect from an aquatic, flightless bird. “Sage?” I sighed. “What a relief.” The penguin nodded its head. “Can I come in?” “Yeah,” Mason said. “Of course.” “Thanks.” Sage hopped off the rock and waddled over. “Like the duds?” “Sure,” I asked. “But why a penguin?” “Well,” Sage ruffled her plumage, “I saw one of these creatures at the zoo and thought the tuxedo-like suit was kind cool in a black and white sort of way so I tried the body for size and it just felt right. Besides, I wanted something with flippers, so a penguin seemed the logical choice. I decided on the macaroni penguin because I thought the yellow crest complement my eyes.” …show more content…

“I’m looking rather majestic, don’t you think?” “Ah yeah sure,” Mason agreed. “Majestic’s the first word that pops into my mind when I think of macaroni penguins.” Sage smiled peering down at our empty hands. “A little birdie told me you were searching for the staff?” I began to explain about the wolf and the castle but was interrupted by voices from outside the cave. Sage rustled her feathers. A tuft of fire curled from her long red beak. “Oh, no . . . My body is dissolving. I can’t hold onto this stiff for very much longer. Gotta go—” The penguin hiccupped a wisp of smoke. “Good luck.” She flew between some swaying candelabras and zoomed past Cotton on her way out of the cave. Leaving Mason and me to clean up a pile of white and black feathers. “Where’s Zander and the wolf?” Mason asked. “Did you find the staff? Was the goblin around? And about the castle was it booby-trapped?” “So many questions,” Cotton smiled. “Come on, you’ll

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