Creative Writing: Greedy Bear

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There once was a greedy Bear who lived in a lonely cave on the dark side of the forest. The winter was coming earlier than previous years, he knew he needed to stock food for a long hibernation. The Bear went out to look for food. After hours upon hours of searching he couldn’t find any. The Bear said to himself “How will I survive this harsh winter to come?” With a depressed stride the Bear started his journey back to his dark empty cave. While walking through the eerie forest, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something that caught his attention. Through a hole in the dense tree cover shined a beam of light. Out of pure curiosity the hungry Bear decided to investigate. As he walked closer to the light, he stumbled upon a treasure trove …show more content…

He was so happy and decided to go out for a nice walk before the big storm came in. As he walked, he came upon a lion and her cub. The lion was thin and hungry. She asked the Bear if he had any food to spare. The Bear lied and said “No. I’m out looking for food myself”. He kept walking. He then came upon a deer who was searching for food. The deer asked the Bear if he had any food to spare. Again, the Bear responded with a no. He was starving and looking for food, too. After passing a few more families of starving forest animals, the Bear walked back to his cave, without a care in the world. Why should he care? He had a cave full of food to last him all winter and into the next season. A few days later, he went out again and saw his friend the raccoon. The raccoon asked the Bear if he had any food, again the Bear replied, “No. I don’t have any.” The raccoon ran off very quickly and came back with a bag of food and said, “Here, take it. I’ll share with you”. The Bear was shocked. He didn’t quite know what to say. All he could say was a simple “ Thank you”. He kept walking and saw another friend of his, the monkey. The monkey asked if he had any food, and the Bear said “No.” The monkey ran off and brought back a bag full of food and gave it to the Bear. This went on until he had so much food to carry, he finally went …show more content…

He had to act fast, because the storm was on it’s way. The Bear started to hand out food to every animal in the forest. The storm was getting closer. He was almost done, except for one, his friend the raccoon. The Bear asked around, but nobody knew where the raccoon was. The Bear looked everywhere, but couldn’t find the raccoon. The storm hit, rain falling, wind blowing harder than ever, trees rumbling and falling over. All the animals in the forest ran into their hiding places, except for the Bear. He ran and ran through the rain and over the fallen trees, until he finally found his friend, the raccoon. He was hiding in a hollowed out log, barely sheltered from the rain. The Bear scooped up the raccoon and ran to his cave, where they would be sheltered from the harsh winter storm. The Bear was running as fast as he could to his cave, they were almost there, he could see it just ahead. Ten more long Bear steps and they would be safe, but with a strong gust of wind, a large oak tree tipped, and tipped, and then down it went, crashing onto the Bear. The raccoon flew out of his arms and landed in the cave, all he could do was

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