Creative Writing: A Separate Peace

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Gabriel merely nodded in confirmation at Jesse's question, his towering intimidation coming to an abrupt end as he pulled up the chair across from the other man and sat down, though his posture was stiff and uncomfortable. At first glance, it might have seemed as if it were caused by annoyance, and Gabe decided to tell himself that, because maybe it would do something to quell the guilt clawing its way inside of him. Gabriel Reyes would never do this. He would have protected Jesse with everything he had, he would have encouraged him to follow his every whim. And somewhere, deep down, he was still there - But *Reaper*, the reknowned terrorist, wasn't quite as forgiving. Part of him, the part he had pushed down for years, begged that shred of …show more content…

"Sombra can release *everything*, and you can be out on your own, or you can join me. You know you're safer here." He could say that until he turned blue in the face, but Gabe knew that, regardless of what he chose, he would be there to protect him. The determination to release the information was perhaps a tad bit fabricated, an internal ploy to convince himself that he could do it if he wanted, and that he *would*. Try as he may, he had a hard time denying that he was struggling, because every time he thought of Jesse bruised and bloodied because of information he'd released, his mind went back to so many years ago - To the young kid who placed so much trust in him, so much faith. Now, Gabe was a monster to him. He thought that was fair enough, because vibrant person that once stared back at him had been picked apart and broken down by the person he once …show more content…

What a nasty, pathetic thing. Desire came at a close second, at the very least. Arms folded over a broad shoulder as he stared at the other, an expressionless face staring right at him, staring him down despite their equal height from across the table. The urgency to hide behind his mask made the flesh on his face - which had long since scarred over - burn to be hidden away, hushed up, concealed with the rest of humanity he had left. A clawed hand reached out to push it away, farther from his reach, so the temptation failed to burn and snare at him like the very thing that caused this all had. "I'm serious, Jesse." Perhaps his voice held a bit more desperation than he would have liked, but regardless, he kept his ground despite Jesse's falling underneath him, it seemed. Metal claws tapped against the hard table, like an impatient timer counting down to an answer he was not sure of yet. The room was silent, stiff, cold. Many people had been in this room, many people had not come out, and maybe that was why the room had an eerie air of *death* to it - However, he supposed everything he touched did. He could only pray the same would never become of

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